Son Forgoes Footwear to Accompany his Father to a Trip Abroad

At a day and age when it has become a lifestyle trend of sort to help your parents find a retirement home or visit them sporadically blaming busy schedules, this son does a complete 180 and alters his ways to suit his parents.

Devis Devassay Chiramel, who works in Bahrain, has been coaxing his father to visit the country since the past three years. Each time, Devis hinted about visiting Bahrain, his father would brush off the topic with a smile and a nod. In the mean time though, his mother has visited the country thrice. Finally, it is on last December that he got to know of the real reason why his father wouldn’t accompany him to this country in the Middle East.

His father, a simple farmer hasn’t ever worn footwear in his life. Also hasn’t worn anything other than the humble mundu. So the father fears that his son might be embarrassed or be made fun of by friends and colleagues if his father turned up wearing mundu and without footwear.

What his son did next is simply incredible. Devis Devassy, instead of persuading his father to try wearing western clothes, decided to change his style and wear mundu and walk without footwear just like his beloved father. Devis has decided that he will accompany his father  in wearing mundu and forgoing footwear for the duration of his father’s trip to Bahrain.  Devis goes on in a Facebook post on why he chose to do so.

Devis says he is eternally grateful to his parents and credits them for his success. He goes on to say how he is successful due to this simple farmer who never wore footwear and would walk on through hills and fields while working hard to provide for his family. And not once did he complain about his discomfort.

Devis adds that he doesn’t agree to the trend of making aged parents wear western outfits to make them suited to the lifestyle of their kids. Nor does he believe in rejecting one’s parents if they don’t give in to these trends. He truly believes that it is the duty of children to care for their parents during old age. And he is thankful to god almighty for giving him wonderful parents.

Looks like we could learn a thing or two about caring for our loved ones from Devis!

Cover images courtesy: Facebook page of Devis Devassy Chiramel

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