Kerala’s Dog War

This is a topic I wanted to avoid writing about.

Not because I’m indifferent to those who are being attacked by stray dogs and to the innocent dogs who are being hunted and being killed but because the debate had reached such unhealthy levels.

Ranjini Haridas had written a very constructive article on how the stray dogs lives could be spared by better management. Unfortunately the response to her arguments and points were mostly abuse. More people seems to be entertained by mocking her suggestions than doing anything constructive.

The failure to manage the stray dogs menace lies solely with the local governments. They are the once who are supposed to utilise taxes we pay to ensure public safety. Sadly this point has been lost.

Now it has turned into a fight between dog lovers who called for a boycott of Kerala (956 people have supported this petition) and Malayalees who went on to attack them in response (over 6,000 supporters – here is a dropbox link to the information they have collected). #VisitKerala and #BoycottKerala are both fighting for popularity from rival camps.

It’s now reached a North Indians vs South Indians fight. An organisation calling itself Mallu Cyber Soldiers have put out this video:

I would like to bring the focus back to the main culprits. The local governments. They need to be held accountable. If people are getting bitten by stray dogs, they need to sue their local government bodies. There are several initiatives that can be done to control and manage the population of stray dogs, culling them alone is not a solution.



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